Real Estate

¿Debería vender mi casa este año?

No se puede negar que el mercado de la vivienda está experimentando un cambio esta temporada a medida que la demanda de los compradores se desacelera y el número de casas en venta crece. Pero ese cambio en realidad le brinda algunos beneficios únicos al vender. Aquí hay un vistazo a las oportunidades claves que usted tiene si pone su casa para la venta este otoño.  ​ Oportunidad #1: Usted tiene...

Pronósticos de los expertos sobre las tasas hipotecarias

Si ha estado pensando en comprar una casa, es posible que haya estado observando lo que ha sucedido con las tasas hipotecarias durante el año pasado. Es cierto que han aumentado drásticamente, pero ¿a dónde irán, especialmente a medida que el mercado continúa desacelerándose? A medida que piensa en sus objetivos de ser propietario de una vivienda y decide si ahora es el momento de mudarse, el...

Cómo al ser propietario de una casa crea su patrimonio neto

Ser propietario de una casa es un hito financiero importante y un logro del cual enorgullecerse. Una razón importante: la plusvalía que crea como propietario de la casa le da a su patrimonio neto un gran impulso. Y con la inflación alta en este momento, el vínculo entre ser dueño de su casa y crear su riqueza es especialmente importante. Si está buscando aumentar su seguridad financiera, he aquí...

Here’s Why It’s Still a Sellers’ Market [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights While buyer demand has moderated and housing supply has grown in recent months, it’s still a sellers’ market because inventory is low. The latest data shows sellers continue to benefit from serious buyers and competitive offers. In July, the average home received 2.8 offers and 39% sold over the asking price. You haven’t missed your opportunity to sell. Let’s connect to start...

New Homes May Have the Incentives You’re Looking for Today

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, this year, builders are on pace to complete more than a million new homes in this country. If you’ve had trouble finding a home to buy over the past year, it may be time to work with your trusted agent to consider a new build and the incentives that come with it. Here’s why. The Supply of Newly Built Homes Is Rising When looking for a home, you can choose between...

What’s Actually Happening with Home Prices Today?

One of the biggest questions people are asking right now is: what’s happening with home prices? There are headlines about ongoing price appreciation, but at the same time, some sellers are reducing the price of their homes. That can feel confusing and makes it more difficult to get a clear picture. Part of the challenge is that it can be hard to understand what experts are saying when the words they...

Buyers: You May Face Less Competition as Bidding Wars Ease

One of the top stories in recent real estate headlines was the intensity and frequency of bidding wars. With so many buyers looking to purchase a home and so few of them available for sale, fiercely competitive bidding wars became the norm during the pandemic – and it drove home prices up. If you tried to buy a house over the past two years, you probably experienced this firsthand and may have been...

A Trusted Real Estate Advisor Provides Expert Advice

If you’re a homeowner or are planning to become one soon, you’re probably looking for clear information about today’s housing market. And if you’ve turned to the news or even just read headlines recently, you might feel like you’re left with more questions than answers. The best way to make sure you get what you need is to work with an expert. Why You Want To Lean on a Trusted Professional With...

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